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Select Guidelines by Mnemonic

To reach the Select Guideline screen and display a list of existing Guidelines:

  1. Choose Select Guideline from the Guidelines menu to display the Select Guideline by (READ term/Mnemonic) screen.
  2. Depending on which sort of guidelines you want to display, check or uncheck the following:
    • Locally Generated - To list just the local or practice-defined guidelines created by you in the practice or those you have downloaded, uncheck Reports and Centrally issued. Leave Locally Generated selected.
    • You can of course have both checked, as well as Reports, and then scroll down and select what you want. Reports are explained in Patient Reports Overview.
    • Male / Female - Some guidelines are specific to one sex or the other, such as that for the menopause. What is ticked here depends on the sex of the patient currently selected.
  3. There are several ways to select and display a guideline:
    • Click once in the large white window to display the whole index; this may take some time to display.
    • Select by mnemonic: check By Mnemonic and then either type part of or the whole of a known mnemonic in the top window to display the one with that title, eg type NCDI to find the QOF Diabetes guideline.

      Training Tip - if you do not know a guideline mnemonic, guess at it - eg, enter D and look for a dyspepsia or diabetes guideline on the list.

    • To list Management Plans, type @ and press Enter - though we do not recommend you use this method as it is better to select by right clicking of a line on the left-hand navigation pane such as Examination Findings, and selecting Management Plan.
    • Type U_INDEX and press Enter, then View, to display your Local Guideline Index. Double click on one of the guidelines here. See Create your own Local Guideline Index.
  4. The guidelines are listed. Locally generated guidelines and Reports are mixed together.

In this section

Options at Select Guideline Screen - View, Print, Copy, Import, Triggers