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Enter a Read Term That Triggers the Guideline

Guidelines can be triggered as a result of entering certain READ terms during a consultation in, for example, History-Add, Record, or READ Term- Add. The triggered guideline is then shown in the Guideline tab of the Patient Record; or it can be selected from the Select Guideline screen.

For instance:

  1. Enter #C10 or type in dm in a READ Term - Add window and press Enter.
  2. This then displays the History Add screen. Change Episode Type and Priority if you want, then click on OK.
  3. Because C10 is a triggering READ term for the QOF Diabetes guideline, you are asked if you want to view it if you have active triggering switched; click on View. If passive triggering is switched on, a green title line is shown at the bottom of the Alerts on the right-hand pane; double click on this line to display the guideline.
  4. Finally the guideline displays. Click on the top right square to maximise the screen.

If the patient has a problem with a READ code that triggers the guideline, what you will also find is that every time you call up this patient in future, the triggered guideline will be displayed as a green line minimised at the bottom of the Medical Record Overview column of Patient Record.

This is only true, however, if the patient does have a problem with the same READ code that triggers the guideline, and the Consultation Setup Options are set to Passive or Active triggering of guidelines. If there is no problem with a triggering READ code, or if the triggering is disabled, you will not see this.