Print Prescriptions
Before printing prescriptions for the first time, make sure you have set up the printers and the country, see Setting up Vision 3 Printer Profiles.
When printing a prescription, you can choose to print a dispensing label at the same time as the prescription or as a separate printing, see Dispensing Labels and Caution Codes.
To print issues of repeat masters, see Issue and print repeats.
See Adding and Printing an Acute Prescription, Reprinting Prescriptions, View Re-printed Issues, Record an Acute Prescription Without Printing It, Issue and Print Repeats, Prescription Manager, Printing Bar Codes and Quality, Messages you may encounter while issuing repeat scripts..., Repeats Reorder Form, Editing Scripts to Add Batch Numbers, Post-Dating Repeat Issues, Prescription Printing and Regulations, Welsh Prescriptions, Scottish Prescriptions, Northern Ireland Prescriptions, Endorsements on Prescriptions, Controlled Drugs, Further Regulations, Dispensing Labels and Caution Codes, Unprinted Prescriptions and Print Advice for Non-drug Therapy Items on Prescriptions for further details.