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Receiving and Replying to Patient Messages

To read and respond to messages sent from your patients:

  1. Select the Online Patient Messaging app .
    • If you have triggered the app from the Vision front screen, or from Apps Controller the patient with the most recently received message is automatically selected.
    • If you have triggered the Online Patient Messaging app from Consultation Manager the patient you have selected there is automatically selected.
  2. The Online Patient Messaging screen displays:

    Online Patient Messaging

  3. On the left hand pane, click on the patient whose message you wish to read.
  4. The message(s) displays in the right side pane.
  5. Process the message according to your practice protocols, integrated options are:
  6. Once you have finished with the message, click on Read to complete the process.

In this section

Replying to an Online Patient Message

Copying a Message to Consultation Manager