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Rescheduling an Appointment

To move and reschedule an appointment within the Patient Diary app:

Vision Appointment

To move a Vision appointment:

  1. From the Patient Diary App with the correct patient selected, click and hold the appointment you want to move.
  2. Either:
    • Move the mouse to the date you wish to reschedule the appointment for and release the click, or
    • Move the mouse to the adjacent date and from the Book Appointment screen select the date you require from Date.
  3. The Book Appointment for screen displays with the available appointments for that day listed, to change the date, click and select the date required.
  4. Highlight the appointment required and click OK.
  5. The Confirm Appointment screen displays.
  6. Enter comments if required and click Confirm to save and move the appointment.

Non-Vision Appointment

To move a Non-Vision appointment:

  1. From the Patient Diary App with the correct patient selected, click and hold the appointment you want to move.
  2. Move the mouse to the date you wish to reschedule the appointment for and release the click.