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Recording Non-Vision Appointments/Events

Patient events and appointments outside the practice can be recorded in the Patient diary app, eg Physiotherapy appointments at the hospital.

Note - Non-Vision Events are only available in the diary and are not written back to Vision appointments. Non-Vision appointments are not currently seachable.

All standard calendar appointment functionality is available including recurrence, highlighting and reminders, and resource allocation.

Booking a Non-Vision Appointment/Event

To book a Non-Vision Event:

  1. From Apps Controller - Patient Apps - Patient Diary, find the day you want to book the Non-Vision event on.
  2. Double click on the date required, the Book Appointmentfor screen displays.

    Book Appointment for screen

  3. Click Non-Vision Event, or
  4. From Apps Controller - Patient Apps - Patient Diary, select New Event.
  5. The Untitled - Event screen displays.

    Untitled - Appointment

  6. Complete as required:
    • Subject - The name of the event eg Physio Therapy - left ankle
    • Location - The place of the event eg Worthing Hospital
    • Label - Select from the available list if required

    Patient Diary App - Non Vision Event - Label list

    Label list

    • Start time - Select a date and a time for the start of the event
    • End time - Select a date and a time for the end of the event
    • All day event - Tick if the event is an all day event, in which case the time slots to the left vanish
    • Resource - If any of your clinicians are required for this event, select from the available list
    • Show time as - Select from the available list

    Patient Diary App - Non Vision Event - Show Time As list

    Show Time As list

    • Reminder - Tick and select a time frame for a reminder.

      Note - The Reminders only appear within the Patient Diary App with the correct patient selected.

  7. Click OK to save and complete.

Booking a Recurring Non-Vision Appointment/Event

If you want to set up a recurring non Vision event:

  1. From Apps Controller - Patient Apps - Patient Diary, select New Recurring Event.
  2. The Appointment Recurrence screen displays.

    Patient Diary App - Non Vision Event - Appointment Recurrence

    Appointment Recurrence

  3. Complete as required:
    • Appointment time
    • Start - Select the appointment start time
    • End - Completes automatically once Duration is completed
    • Duration - Complete with the appointment length
    • Recurrence - Select from:
    • Daily - Select Every number of days, or Every week day
    • Weekly - Select the number of weeks between recurrence and the day of the week
    • Monthly - Select the time frame required
    • Yearly - Select the time frame required
    • Range of recurrence
    • Start - Select the date the recurrence is due to start
    • No end date - Select if there is no end date
    • End after - Select if there is a fixed number of occurrences
    • End by - Select if to enter an end date
  4. Click OK.
  5. The Untitled - Event screen displays, complete as previously described.
  6. Click OK to save and close.