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Infectious Diseases Read Terms

Infectious disease data can be entered in History Add, or Select Read Term.

To select from Read, either use # followed by the code, e.g., #A52, or type in a Read term keyword - these are in italics below.

1413 H/O: malaria (malaria)

65N1 Antimalarial drug prophylaxis (malaria)

65R Isolation because of infection (infection, isolation)

65T Remove potential infection source (remove)

A1 Tuberculosis (tb, tuberculos)

A52 Chickenpox (chickenpox, varicella)

A53 Herpes Zoster (herpes, zoster)

A54 Herpes Simplex (herpes, simplex)

A55 Measles (measles)

A56 Rubella (rubella)

A570 Erythema Infectiosum (erythema)

A701 Viral (serum) Hepatitis A

A703 Viral (serum) hepatitis B (serum)

A72 Mumps (mumps)

A788 Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (acquired, AIDS, immune, syndrome)

A789 HIV resulting in other disease (HIV, human, immunodef, virus)

A79z Viral infection NOS

A84 Malaria (malaria)

A9 Venereal Diseases (syphilis)

A992 Non-specific urethritis (nonspecifi, nsu, urethritis)

AB Mycoses (mycoses)

AB0 Ringworm (dermatophy)

AB05.12 Tinea corporis (corporis)

AB23 Candidiasis of skin and nails (nails, skin)

AD22.11 Crabs – pubic lice (crabs)

AD30 Scabies (scabies)

C39 Disorders of the immune mechanism (immune)

Z9KB Isolation because of infection

Z9KD Remove potential infection source

ZV0 [V]Potential health hazard related to communicable disease