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Blood Disorders Read Terms

Entries can be made either from History Add or Select Read Term. To select from Read, either use # followed by the code, e.g., #1683, or type in a Read term keyword - these are in italics below.

Blood Disorders Symptoms Read terms

1443 H/O: gout (gout)

1451 H/O: anaemia – iron deficient

1682 Fatigue

1683 Tired all the Time

16B2 Bruises easily

16E Feels unwell (feels, unwell)

2227 O/E rash present (rash)

2621 Vitamin B12 deficiency (B12)

42P2 Thrombocytopenia (thrombocyt)

669 Gout monitoring (gout)

66F Blood disorder monitoring (blood)

Blood Disorders Diagnoses Read terms

A84 Malaria (malaria)

B61 Hodgkin's disease (hodgkin)

B64 Lymphoid leukaemia (leukaemia, lymphoid)

B65 Myeloid leukaemia (myeloid, leukaemia)

B680 Acute leukaemia NOS

B681 Chronic leukaemia NOS

B937 Neop uncertain behaviour other lymphatic /haematopoietic tiss (lymphatic)

B9375 Idiopathic thrombocythaemia (idiopathic, thrombocyt)

C34 Gout (gout)

D0 Deficiency anaemias (anaemias, deficiency)

D000 Iron deficiency due to chronic blood loss

D0001 Iron deficiency due to dietary causes

D010 Pernicious anaemia (PA, pernicious)

D104 Thalassaemia (thalassaem)

D105 Sickle cell trait (sickle, trait)

D106 Sickle cell anaemia (sickle)

D30..11 Bleeding disorders

D300 Haemophilia A (factor VIII deficiency) (factor)

D3100 Henoch-Scholein purpura (henoch)

E205 Tired all the time (TATT)

N023 Gouty arthritis (gouty)

R0062 [D] Fever NOS

R026 [D] Pallor and flushing

R032 [D] Abnormal loss of weight (loss, weight)

R092 [D] Splenomegaly (splenomega)

7840 Total excision of spleen (excision, total)