Completing FGM Claims

The purpose of the FGM claims is to assist HSCIC in obtaining FGM prevalence. The FGM Vision+ module helps to record the mandatory boxes (marked in red) in Excel with the remaining fields being optional. To download the Excel Spread sheets either refer to:

Important - For practices on DLM 485, we have automated the claiming process. For more information on running the automated programme please contact the Helpdesk. For practices who are not yet on DLM 485 you can manually complete the following three FGM Excel files.

Even if you only have one patient you must record their details into all three Excel files and save them as a csv file before uploading to the CAP website. Below are instructions on how to review the information required to claim and complete the three Excel files:

  • Collecting Patient Information, see Reviewing Patient Information.
  • FGM_, see FGM.
  • Attendance_, see Attendance.
  • Patient_, see Patient.
    Note - The Excel claims are used by other healthcare organisations outside of primary care so many of the columns do not require completing by GP Practices.