Pseudonymised NHS Number Merge Field
At the request of practices who have patient’s participating in studies and trials, a new pseudonymised NHS number merge field is available. This inserts a forty-two-digit encrypted NHS number into any correspondence sent to or regarding the patient.
Below is an example of how the NHS number displays in the letter once encrypted:
Inserting Pseudonymised NHS no merge field
From Vision+ Practice Reports, select Merge Templates .
If creating a new letter, select Pseudonymised NHS No from the list of merge fields:
Alternatively, if editing a letter, select Pseudonymised NHS No from Insert Merge Field within the document.
Selecting patients by the Pseudonymised number
There is now an option to select patient by pseudonymised number. To do this:
- Make a note of the pseudonymised number (copy it).
- From the Windows Notification Area, right click Vision+
and select Pseudonymised Patient:
4. Enter or paste the encrypted number:
5. The patient record opens in Consultation Manager and can be reviewed as normal.