High Value Patients

High Value Patients are a list of the top 25 patients with outstanding indicators that have a corresponding high points/financial value. These are essentially the patients who, if the surgery calls in and completes the outstanding indicators, are worth more than the average patient. This can be due to the fact that they display on multiple registers or indeed are one of a few patients on a small register, which needs only one more patients to meet the threshold to achieve full points for that indicator.

The High Value Patients list is most useful towards the end of the QOF/QAIF period having the most impact in the last few weeks.

To open High Value Patients:

  1. Login to Vision 3.
  2. From the Windows Notification Area, right-click Vision+ Vision+ Icon in Notification Area and select Practice Reports:

    Note - To access Practice Reports, you must not have a patient selected in Consultation Manager.
  3. Practice Reports opens by default on the QOF/QAIF screen:

  4. Select High Value Patients .
  5. The High Value Patients screen displays:

    Select Expand on a patient, the list shows exactly which indicators provide what points.

  6. This list can be printed or the usual data entry tools are available by right-clicking on the indicators.
Note - Patients who are seen and the data recorded are automatically removed from the report next time it is run.
Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.