Appointment Search Screen Overview

Other options are listed below:

  • Column Headings - The headings for the generic next day appointment search display the following columns by default:
    • The appointment day, date, time, any notes or comments for the appointment, session name, slot type, date booked and how may days in the future it is booked.
    • Staff name who the appointment is booked with.
    • Patient name, mobile number and number of DNAs in the last year.

      You can sort and filter column headings as required ie filter morning surgery only or look at appointments two days in the future. These settings can then be saved as default appointment searches. See Creating Appointment Searches for SMS.

  • Open Patient - Allows you to open the highlighted patient in Consultation Manager.
  • Select All - Selects all patients in the displayed list. You can deselect as required.
  • Please select an SMS messages template - Allows you to select your predefined template (ie the content of the text message). See Running a Mail Merge from Patient Target Lists.
  • Send SMS Messages (nn Texts Remaining) - Tells you how many text messages are available to your practice. If you have selected more patients than the balance in your SMS account, you must either de-select patients down to the account balance, or purchase more SMS messages.
    Note - For practices in England that have a Integrated Care Board (ICB) EE contract, the send SMS messages is maintained automatically for you and displays the message 'EE providing texts'.
  • SMS Message - Attempts to send the SMS message to the patients selected in the list.
  • Other Tabs:
    • Invalid Mobile Numbers - Re-displays the patient list and shows those patients who have an invalid first mobile number. From here you can open Consultation Manager via Open Patient and update their number.
    • Declined SMS - Displays a list of patients who have opted out of SMS text messaging.
Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.