Guidelines - Adding a Drug Class List

Within a Guideline, you can choose to display a drug regime by drug class. Related drugs are quickly displayed and, if required, a list of preferred drugs built up from any Drug class or BNF category. This allows you to display a list of drugs, any of which can be prescribed by simply double clicking on the relevant drug name.

Training Tip - A drug class is a feature of the Gemscript (drug) dictionary and is similar in concept to the BNF. So, for example, you could display a cardiac glycoside heading which at the time of prescribing displays the complete list of cardiac glycosides.

In addition, you can choose to have a preferred list of one or more drug item lines displaying within the drug class which you most commonly use and from which you can prescribe.

To add a Drug Class List to a Guideline:

  1. From Consultation Manager, select Guidelines - Select Guide and either:
  2. From the floating toolbar, select Subheading and add a suitable subheading, for example, 'Anti-platelet drugs'.
  3. Next, select Drug Class .
  4. The Select Drug Class screen displays. Select the heading for the class you want to add, this frames your selection. Repeat until you are at the level you require and then select OK, for example, Cardiovascular products - Antiplatelet products.
    Training Tip - Selecting a heading a second time closes it.

    Optionally, to specify the drug class by first selecting a drug, choose Select by Drug and select the drug in the usual way.

  5. Select OK.
  6. The Drug List by Drug Class screen displays with the selected drug class named in Title. Select from the following as required:

    • Formulary - Tick to restrict the selection of the Drug class from the Formulary.
    • All Generics - Tick to include all generic drugs.
    • Discontinued - Tick to include all discontinued drugs
    • Special Drugs - Tick to include all special drugs.
    • Add to Preferred List Automatically - When prescribing from this item, no prompt is given, for dosage, quantity and age range, before the drug is placed on the Preferred Drug List for this Drug class.
    • Prompt to add to Preferred List - When prescribing from this item, a Add to Preferred List screen displays so you can enter default dosage, quantity, treatment days and age range.
    • Never add to Preferred List - When prescribing from this item, it is not added to the Preferred Drug List.
    • Show Repeat Masters - Tick if you want an Active Repeat Masters line to display on the Guideline, with any repeat masters or issues from within the same Drug Class displaying.
  7. Select OK to save.
  8. Select Save .
  9. Select Maintenance Mode to turn Maintenance Mode off, and view the Guideline in normal mode.

To prescribe from a Guideline, double click on a drug line to select it, see Prescribing from a Local Guideline for details.

See Guidelines - Adding a Drug Regime for details on adding by Drug Regime.
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