Running Multiple Instances of Consultation Manager
Occasionally, you may find that whilst in a consultation with one patient, you need to go into a second patient's records without closing the current patient, for example, while taking a telephone call.
Two or more instances of Consultation Manager can be run at once, but you must take care that you record the correct information to the correct patient.
To open a second instance of Consultation Manager:
- From Consultation Manager, select Consultation - New Consultation Manager.
- The Consultation Manager Setup screens display if set to do so.
- Select the patient and make the data entries in the usual way. The patient's name displays on the patient banner at the top of the screen.
- If you need to return to the first patient's record, select the consultation from the task bar or use one of the Windows switching methods, such as Alt-Tab.
- When you have finished with the second instance of Consultation Manager, close it in the usual way.
Multiple Instances of Consultation Manager and Vision+
Please be aware that when opening multiple instances of Consultation Manager, Vision+ functionality is only available in the most recently opened instance. As you close extra instances of Consultation Manager, Vision+ functionality becomes active in the most recent remaining Consultation Manager screens and alerts display for the relevant patient if they are selected.