Health Promotion Overview
From July 1993 to September 1996, practices were required to collect Health Promotion data and produce regular Health Promotion Reports for patients within the target population of 15 to 74, for one or more of the following:
Band 1 identified patients who smoke and have been advised to stop;
Band 2 included patients with hypertension, coronary heart disease and stroke, and those offered advice or treatment to prevent further cardiovascular damage;
Band 3 included patients' data on BMI (body mass index), alcohol and family history; patients on registers for cardiovascular risk factors and those offered primary prevention advice of CHD and stroke.
In addition, programmes have been organised for the management of asthmatic and diabetic patients.
From September 1996, the banding system was discontinued. Practices submit proposals in advance to a Health Promotion Committee for their proposed health promotion activity and chronic disease management.
Using this icon, Health Promotion data is entered on the relevant -Add forms (see Health Promotion entry and intervention).
Health Promotion data falls into two categories for a patient:
a Health Promotion qualifying record, summarised in Summary of Data for Bands 1-3, Asthma, Diabetes which gives the specific criteria for each HP report entry.
and a record of a Health Promotion intervention (treatment, advice, leaflet, invitation to clinic) within the last year.
These are summarised on the Health Promotion Summary form or Health Promotion Interventions Management Plan.
The Health Promotion Summary Form summarises whether a record has been entered in each category, whether it is a qualifying record, and whether an intervention has been made in the last year.
The Health Promotion Banding Reports are run from the Search & Reportmodule.
Health Promotion Guidelines
Guidelines can be called up from the Select Guideline screen by typing the mnemonic.
See under the following: Health Check Guidelines, Alcohol; Smoking; Weight and Height.