RBAC Roles for the Electronic Prescription Service (EPS)
Some RBAC Roles such as General Practitioners (GPs) contain the relevant activities within the baseline. Others such as nurses, administration and reception staff need to have activities added to their role on their Smartcard:

Nurses and Pharmacists who are qualified independent prescribers need B0420 Independent Prescribing on their Smartcard. This enables them to create a new prescription, reauthorise, issue, electronically cancel and digitally sign prescriptions.
Nurses and Pharmacists who are qualified supplementary prescribers need B0440 Supplementary Prescribingon their Smartcard. This enables a them to create a new prescription, reauthorise, issue, electronically cancel and digitally sign prescriptions.
Nurses who are qualified Nurse Prescribers Formulary need B0058 Nurse Prescribers Formulary on their Smartcard. This enables them to create a new prescription (within their formulary), reauthorise, issue, electronically cancel and digitally sign prescriptions.

Nurses and Pharmacists who are not qualified prescribers require B0278 Perform Prescription Preparation on their Smartcard. This enables a user to create a new prescription, reauthorise, issue but not sign prescriptions. They also require B0468 Cancel/Discontinue medication on their Smartcard to enable them to electronically cancel a prescription.