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Messages you may encounter while issuing repeat scripts...

You may encounter one of these messages when trying a print a repeat prescription:

This is the last issue for [drugname, form, strength]. If you wish to prescribe further issues you will need to reauthorise.

This message displays when you print the last number of maximum issues allowed, for example, if the patient is allowed six repeats (the figure in Max Iss), you will see this message when you make the sixth issue. The item then becomes an expired repeat with the symbol and needs reauthorising.

[drug name] cannot be issued because: 1. The maximum number of issues allowed have already been issued. No issues will be made. The last permitted issue of this repeat has already been made so you must reauthorise before you issue it again. See Reauthorise Repeat Master.

Warning: The name, form or strength of [drugname on therapy record] has changed since the original was entered.This message is warning you if the selected item has changed within the drug dictionary since being added (see "Drug Dictionary Changes - warning messages" on page -) which also explains other messages you may meet.

[drug name] is no longer available for prescribing. Please inactivate this entry and add a new repeat master from the current dictionary. Since this drug was first entered on the patient's record, some part of its format has been changed within the drug dictionary. You need to reselect its new form. See Drug Dictionary Changes - warning messages.

[drug name] mg cannot be issued because: 1. More than the maximum number of days allowed have passed since the last issue. No issues will be made. OK This item will need reauthorising (see Reauthorise Repeat Master).

[drug name] cannot be issued because it has been inactivated. No issues will be made. OK. Either reactivate the drug (see Inactivate Repeats (discontinue) and Reactivate) or add a new repeat master.