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Selecting Drugs from the Formulary

From the Therapy Add screen, whilst adding either a repeat or an acute, type in the drug you require.

Upon pressing Enter, Vision will search the Formulary list for a match. If you find the required drug, you are able to add this in the usual way.

To allow you to search your entire formulary without restriction, the All Generics, Specials and Discontinued filters are not applied when searching for a drug item from the Therapy Add forms (including when you use the up and down arrows to browse the list). Your settings in the drug select screen are not affected by this.

If you enter a therapy item which is not in the Formulary, you are given a message: Drug name [name] not found in Formulary. Do you wish to search the main dictionary? Yes / No.

Note - You will find that when searching for drugs, you do not need to type as much information in the Drug Search box because the Formulary list is much smaller than the full drug list.