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Body Mass Index (BMI)

A patient's height and weight together is used to work out the Body Mass Index (BMI). The BMI is automatically calculated by dividing the weight in kg by the height squared in metres.

Note - For the BMI to calculate, the patient's height must have been recorded after the date of their 15th birthday.

If the BMI falls outside the normal range of 19-24 for women, and 20-25 for men, the word Overweight displays when viewing this record. Once 30 or over, the patient is classed as Obese.

A Target Weight is given for overweight patients, and the weight they should lose to achieve this. To see this in stones and lbs, click in the Imperial box.

Note - After entering the weight, and height, you may have to exit from the Add screen, re-select the weight entry from, for example, the Journal or Prevention tab, right click, Item View, to see the target weight.

The BMI record is relevant for the Health Promotion Report - for patients whose age falls within 25 and 74 years.