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Changing Default Priority Mapping

As every practice can use priorities in a different way, you can change the way that individual Vision priorities are mapped to WCCG priorities. This is done from the WCCG referral screen and is a practice wide setting. You must be part of the Clinical Managers group in Control Panel - Security to be able to map priorities.

  1. Login to WCCG from Summary - WCCG.
  2. Select the Priority Settings button.

  3. For each Vision priority and items with no priority, you are able to select a corresponding WCCG Priority (either low, medium or high or Don't Send) from the drop down boxes. You can also opt to not send any information for a chosen priority.
  4. Click OK to save the settings. These settings are saved on a practice basis.

    Note - If your role within Vision is not clinical, you are not able to change the priority mapping settings.