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ENT Read Codes

Entries can be made either from History Add or Select Read Term. To select from Read, either use # followed by the code, for example, #1CC, or type in a Read term keyword - these are in italics below.

ENT Symptoms and O/E Read terms

14B1 H/O: hay fever (hay)

1C1 Hearing symptoms (hearing)

1C2 Tinnitus symptoms (tinnitus)

1C3 Earache symptoms (earache)

1C4 Ear discharge (ear)

1C6 Nose bleed symptoms (bleed, nose)

1C7 Snoring symptoms (snoring)

1C8 Nasal symptoms OS

1C9 Sore Throat (sore, throat)

1CA Hoarseness (hoarseness)

1CB Throat symptoms NOS (throat)

1CC Blocked sinuses (blocked, sinuses)

2D32 Foreign bodies in nose (FB, foreign, nose)

2D6 O/E - discharge from ear (discharge, ear)

2D82 O/E - wax in auditory canal

2D7 O/E - Painful ear (ear, painful)

2D83 Foreign bodies in ear (on examination) (body, ear, FB, foreign)

2D9 O/E - tympanic membrane (membrane, tympanic)

ENT Interventions and Diagnoses Read terms

66L ENT disease monitoring (ENT)

7313 Drainage of middle ear (drainage, middle)

7530.11 Tonsillectomy (tonsillect)

75306 Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy (adenoidect, tonsillect)

8D2 Auditory aid

A340 Streptococcal sore throat (sore, streptococ, throat)

A53x0 Herpes zoster otitis externa (externa, otitis)

A75..11 Glandular fever (fever, gf, glandular)

F5 Diseases of the ear and mastoid processes

F501 Infective otitis externa (infective, externa, otitis)

F502 Other otitis externa (externa, otitis)

F504 Impacted cerumen (wax in ear) (cerumen)

F51 Nonsuppurative otitis media + eustachian tube (eustachian, media, nonsuppura, om, otitis)

F512.11 Glue ear (glue)

F52z Otitis media NOS

F560 Meniere's disease (meniere)

F563 Labyrinthitis (labyrinthi)

F583 Tinnitus (tinnitus)

F587 Otalgia (otalgia)

F59 Deafness (hearing, loss)

H00 Acute nasopharyngitis (nasopharyn)

H00..16 Rhinitis - acute (rhinitis)

H01 Acute sinusitis (sinusitis)

H02 Acute pharyngitis (pharyngiti)

H02..11 Sore throat NOS (sore, throat)

H03 Acute tonsillitis (tonsilliti)

H04 Acute laryngitis and tracheitis

H11 Nasal polyps (nasal, polyps)

H120 Chronic rhinitis (rhinitis)

H120.11 Catarrh unspecified (catarrh)

H13 Chronic sinusitis (chronic, sinusitis)

H160 Chronic laryngitis (laryngitis)

H17 Allergic rhinitis (allergic, rhinitis)

R0043 [D] Vertigo NOS (vertigo)

R047 [D] Epistaxis (epistaxis)