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Neurological Read Terms

Entries can be made either from History Add, or Select Read Term, or in the case of epilepsy, from the Epilepsy Management Plan.

To select from Read, either use # followed by the code, for example, #1B63, or type in a Read term keyword - these are in italics below.

Nervous System Symptoms Read terms

13ZD Eye witness to epileptic seizure (seizure, witness)

1473 H/O: epilepsy (epilepsy)

1474 H/O: migraine (migraine)

1475 H/O: trigeminal neuralgia (trigeminal)

1B1G Headache

1B22 Has a tremor

1B320 Weakness of arm (arms)

1B321 Weakness of leg (legs)

1B323 Facial Weakness (facial)

1B41 Pins and Needles (pins)

1B44 Has numbness (numbness)

1B46 Paraesthesia

1B52 Unsteadiness

1B53 Dizziness

1B63 Had a fit

1B65 Had a collapse

1B68 Felt faint ( felt)

1B93 Difficulty with speech

1BA Headache site (headache)

1BB Headache character (headache)

21260 Epilepsy resolved

2827 O/E - febrile convulsion (febrile)

2944 O/E - muscle rigid - cogwheel

297A O/E - Parkinsonian tremor (parkinsoni, tremor)

2994 O/E - Parkinson gait

31140 EEG abnormal (included in Electroencephalography SDA)

31130 EEG normal

70650 Electroencephalography

567 Computerised axial tomography

5671-567Z CAT scan

5C00 CT scan brain - normal

61461 Headache caused by oral contraceptive pill

666 Neurol. Disease monitoring (neurologic)

667 Epilepsy disease monitoring (epilepsy)

6673 Driving licence

6675 Fit frequency (fit)

6676 Last Fit (fit)

6677 Epilepsy drug side effects

66S Chronic dis - care arrangement (chronic, care, shared)

Nervous System Diagnoses Read terms

A53 Shingles (shingles)

AD2z Pediculosis and phthirus infection NOS

B51 Malignant neoplasm of brain (brain)

C106 Diabetes mellitus with neuropathy (neuropathy)

E000 Uncomplicated senile dementia

E001 Presenile dementia (presenile)

E2781 Tension headache (headache, tension)

Eu02z [X] Unspecified dementia (dementia)

F00 Bacterial Meningitis (bacterial, meningitis)

F0011 Meningitis due to viral organisms EC (viral)

F01z Meningitis - other organisms NOS

F110 Alzheimer's disease (alzheimer)

F12 Parkinson’s Disease ( parkinson)

F20 Multiple Sclerosis (ms, multiple, sclerosis)

F22 Hemiplegia (hemiplegia)

F23 Congenital Cerebral palsy (cerebral, cp, palsy)

F25 Epilepsy (epilepsy)

F26 Migraine (migraine)

F286.16 ME - Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME)

F301 Other specified trigeminal neuralgia

F302 Atypical face pain (atypical, face)

F36 Hereditary & idiopathic peripheral neuropathy (neuropathy)

F37z Toxic or inflammatory neuropathy NOS

G65 Transient cerebral ischaemia (cerebral, ischaemia, transient)

G66 Stroke and cerebrovascular accident unspecified

K5A22 Menopausal headache (headache)

R000311 [D]Loss of consciousness (consciousn, loc, loss)

R0030 [D] Convulsions, febrile (febrile)

R0040 [D] Dizziness (dizziness)

R040 [D] Headache (headache)

R1402 [D]Electroencephalogram (EEG) abnormal

S0 Fracture of skull (fracture, skull)