Genito-Urinary / Gynae and Urology Read Codes
Entries can be made either from History Add or Select Read Term.. To select from Read, either use # followed by the code, for example, #1A25, or type in a Read term keyword - these are in italics below.
Genito-Urinary Symptoms and H/O Read terms
13H7 Unwanted pregnancy (pregnancy, unwanted)
14D4 H/O: recurrent cystitis
14E2 H/O: infertility - male (infertilit)
1512 Menopause (menopause)
157 H/O: Menstrual History (menstrual)
1571 H/O Amenorrhoea (amenorrhoe)
1573 H/O Menorrhagia (menorrhagi)
1574 H/O Dysmenorrhoea (dysmenorrh)
158 H/O Abnormal uterine bleeding (abnormal, bleeding, uterine)
1581 H/O Post-coital bleeding (bleed, post-coita)
1582 H/O Inter-menstrual bleeding (bleed, imb, intermenst)
1583 H/O Post-menopausal bleeding (bleed, menopausal, pmb, post-menop)
159 History of Gynaecological Problems (gynaecolog)
1591 H/O: recurrent vaginal disch. (discharge, recurrent, vaginal)
1592 H/O Pelvic Infection (infection, pelvic)
1593 H/O Stress Incontinence (incontinen, stress)
1594 H/O Genital Prolapse (prolapse)
1595 H/O Dyspareunia (dyspareuni)
1596 H/O Breast Problem (breast)
1597 H/O Female Infertility (infertilit)
1598 H/O Sexual Dysfunction
1599 H/O Hysterectomy (hysterecto)
159A H/O Tubal Ligation (tl, tubal)
1672 Flushes/goes red
1A12 Frequency of micturition
1A12 Micturition frequency NOS
1A13 Nocturia (nocturia)
1A24 Stress incontinence
1A25 Urgency
1A32 Cannot pass urine - retention
1A33 Micturition stream poor
1A34 Hesitancy
1A36 Terminal dribbling of urine (dribbling)
1A52 Renal Colic
1A55 Dysuria (dysuria)
1A57 Pain in testicle
1A59 Pelvic Pain (pain, pelvic)
1A62 Urethral discharge
1A72 Vaginal discharge
1AA Prostatism (prostatism)
Genito-Urinary/Gynae investigations, interventions
25Q O/E - rectal examination done (rectal)
25Q1 O/E - rectal examination - NAD
25Q2 O/E 0 PR - prostatic swelling
26A O/E - vaginal discharge (discharge, vaginal)
3196 Prostatic hypertrophy risk score (hypertroph, prostatic, risk, score)
43Z2 Prostate specific antigen (prostate)
44J3 Serum creatinine (creatinine)
461 Urine exam. - general
4615 MUS sent to lab
4616 MSU = no abnormality
4617 MSU = abnormal
4619 MSU = no growth (growth)
461A MSU - equivocal (equivocal, MSU)
4JK..11 Vaginal Swab (swab, vaginal)
4JK2 HVS (high, HVS, swab, vaginal)
54FZ Urinary contrast radiog. NOS
5735 Isotope static scan kidneys (DMSA scan)
574Z Isotope dynamic scan NOS
585B Ultrasound kidneys
61 Contraception (contracept)
614 Oral contraceptive
61H Contraception: female sterilisation
66J Gynae disease monitoring (gynaecolog)
66K Urinary disorder monitoring (urinary)
66U Menopause monitoring (menopause)
66U.11 Hormone replacement therapy (hormone)
66U7 HRT started
7130 Total mastectomy operations (mastectomy)
71312 Excision of lesion of breast
7B00 Transplantation of kidney (transplant)
7B36 Open prostatectomy (prostatect)
7B39 Endoscopic resection of outlet of male bladder or prostate (male)
7D1C2 Colposcopy NEC (colposcopy)
7E04 Abdominal excision of uterus (abdominal)
7E043 Total abdominal hysterectomy NEC (TAH, total)
7E045 Abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingoophorectomy (oophorecto, salpingoop)
7E05 Vaginal excision of uterus (vaginal)
7E072 Dilation of cervix uteri and curettage of uterus NEC (D&C, DC, D-C, dilation)
7E15 Open bilateral occlusion of fallopian tubes (bilateral, occlusion)
7E16 Other open occlusion of fallopian tube (occlusion)
7E1C Endoscopic bilateral occlusion of fallopian tube (endoscopic, occlusion)
7E1D Other endoscopic occlusion of fallopian tube
7L1A Compensation for renal failure (compensati, renal, failure)
7L1B Placement ambulatory apparatus compensation renal failure (ambulatory, compensati, renal, failure)
8B64 HRT (hormone, hrt)
96 Contraceptive claims (contracept)
9N0U Seen in family planning clinic (family, planning, clinic)
L05 Legally induced abortion (abortion, induced, legally)
ZV252 [V] Sterilisation
Genito-Urinary Diagnoses Read terms
A541 Genital herpes simplex (genital)
A788 AIDS (acquired, aids, immune, syndrome)
A9801 Acute gonoccoccal urethritis (urethritis)
A994 Nonspecific urethritis (nonspecifi, NSU, urethritis)
AB2 Candidiasis (candidiasi)
AB21 Candidal vulvovaginitis
AD1 Trichomoniasis - trichomonas (trichomoni)
AD22.11 Crabs - pubic lice (crabs)
A9 Syphilis and other venereal diseases
B34 Malignant neoplasm of female breast (breast)
B440 Malignant neoplasm of ovary (ovary)
B41 Malignant neoplasm of cervic (uteri) (cervix)
B43 Malignant neoplasm of body of uterus
B46 Malignant neoplasm of prostate (prostate)
B47 Malignant neoplasm of testis (testis)
B77 Benign neoplasm of breast (breast)
B78 Uterine leiomyoma - fibroids (fibroids, leiomyoma, uterine)
B7A Benign neoplasm of ovary (ovary)
B7C0 Benign neoplasm of testis (testis)
C162 Postablative ovarian failure
C163 Other ovarian failure
E2273 Impotence (impotence)
E277 Non-organic encopresis (encopresis)
K0 Nephritis, nephrosis and nephrotic syndrome (nephritis)
K00 Acute Glomerulonephritis (acute, glomerulon, gn, gna)
K01 Nephrotic syndrome (nephrotic)
K02 Chronic glomerulonephritis
K04 Acute Renal failure (acute, arf, failure, renal, rf)
K05 Chronic Renal failure (chronic, crf, failure, renal, rf)
K06 Renal failure unspecified (failure, renal, rf)
K08 Impaired Renal Function (function, impaired)
K1 Other urinary system diseases
K10 Infections of kidney (infection ,kidney)
K100 Chronic pyelonephritis (chronic, pyelonephr)
K101 Acute pyelonephritis (acute, pyelonephr)
K102 Renal and perinephric abscess (abscess)
K103 Pyeloureteritis cystica (cystica, pyelourete)
K10y Pyelonephritis and pyonephrosis
K10z Infection of kidney NOS
K12 Calculus of kidney / ureter (calculus)
K15 Cystitis (cystitis)
K150 Acute cystitis
K1547 Cystitis in trichomoniasis (trichomoni)
K155 Recurrent cystitis (recurrent)
K17y Other urethritis
K190 Urinary tract infection - site not specified (UTI)
K196 Urinary obstruction unspecified (obstructio)
K20 Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (benign, hypertroph, prostatic)
K20..16 Prostatism (prostatism)
K23 Hydrocele (hydrocele, hydrocoele)
K24 Orchitis and Epididymitis
K26 Male - infertility (infertilit, male)
K27y1 Impotence of organic origin (impotence)
K282 Torsion of testis (torsion, testis)
K302 Fibroadenosis of breast (breast, fibroadeno)
K40 Ovarian, fallopian tube and pelvic inflammatory disease
K409 Acute Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (acute, disease, inflammato, pelvic, pid )
K41 Uterine inflammatory diseases excluding the cervix
K4209 Chlamydia cervicitis (chlamydia)
K421 Vaginitis and vulvovaginitis
K50 Endometriosis (endometrio)
K51 Genital prolapse (genital, prolapse)
K531 Corpus Luteum cyst (corpus, luteum)
K550 Erosion / ectropion of cervix (cervix)
K565 Leukorrhoea unspecified (leukorrhoe)
K583 Dysmenorrhoea (dysmenorrh)
K586 Stress incontinence - female
K59 Menstrual problems
K590 Absence of menstruation (absence)
K592 Excessive or frequent menstruation (excessive)
K593.11 Pubertal bleeding and menorrhagia (pubertal)
K59yx11 Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (bleeding, DUB)
K5A Menopausal and postmenopausal disorders (menopausal)
K5A2011 Hot flushes - menopausal (hot, flushing)
K5B Infertility - female (infertilit, female)
K5X Polyp of female genital tract (polyp)
L00 Hydatiform mole (hydatidifo, mole)
L166.11 Cystitis of pregnancy (cystitis)
M1811 Pruritus vulvae
PC5 Undescended testicle
R082 [D] Retention of urine (retention, urine)
ZV76212 [V]Routine cervical smear (cervical, smear)