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Cardio-vascular Related Read Terms

Here are some useful C-V related Read codes which you can use.

Entries can be made from the Management Plans, or from History-Add or Record on the top of the Navigation pane, Patient Record. To select from Read, either use # followed by the code, for example, #182, or type in a Read term keyword - these are in italics below, for example, myocardial.

Cardiovascular Symptoms Read terms

1269 Family history of hypercholesterolaemia (familial)

12C1 FH: Hypertension (hypertensi)

12C2 FH: Ischaemic heart dis. <60 (IHD, ischaemic)

12C4 FH: CVA/Stroke

12C5 FH: Myocardial infarction (infarction, myocardial)

12C6 FH: Atherosclerosis (atheroscle)

12C7 FH: Transient ischaemic attack (ischaemic, transient)

1371 Never smoked tobacco

137L Current non-smoker

137R Current smoker (current, smoker)

1381 Exercise physically impossible

1382 Avoid even trivial exercise

1383 Enjoys light exercise

14A5 H/O: angina pectoris (angina)

14A6 H/O: heart failure


181 Palpitations (palpitatio, fluttering)

182 Chest Pain (chest, pain)

183 Oedema (oedema)

1841 Prominent Leg Veins (leg)

186 Cold Extremities (cold, extremitie)

2I17 O/E - phlebitis (phlebitis)

21261 Hypertension resolved

2426 O/E - pulse rate tachycardia

2431 O/E - pulse rhythm regular

246 O/E - blood pressure reading

246K Target systolic blood pressure

246L Target diastolic blood pressure

246M White coat hypertension

24E.13 O/E -peripheral pulses R leg (peripheral)

24F.13 O/E - peripheral pulses L leg (peripheral)

Cardio-vascular Intervention, Management

32 Electrocardiography (electrocar, ECG)

3213 Exercise ECG (exercise)

33BB Left ventricular ejection fraction

33BA Impaired left ventricular function

33BD Echocardiogram requested

42QE International normalised ratio (INR, normalised)

44O4 Serum lipids high

44P Serum cholesterol (cholestero)

44P3 Serum cholesterol raised

4678 Proteinuria (proteinuri)

5674 CAT scan - skull

5693 Nuclear magn. reson. normal

5693 Nuclear magn. reson. abnormal

5853 U-S heart scan

58530 Echocardiogram normal

58531 Echocardiogram abnormal

5853z U-S heart scan NOS

5858 Doppler studies (doppler, studies)

585f Echocardiogram shows left ventricular systolic dysfunction

585g Echocardiogram shows left ventricular diastolic dysfunction

5C10 Carotid artery doppler abnormal (filed under Test Results - Diagnostic Tests - Cardiovascular Investigations)

5C20 Echocardiogram equivocal

65E Influenza vaccination (flu, influenza)

662 Cardiac disease monitoring (cardiac)

662.12 Hypertension monitoring

6623 Pre-Treatment BP reading

662C O/E - check high BP

662K Angina control (angina)

662M Stroke monitoring

662T Congestive heart failure monitoring

662e Stroke/CVA annual review

79 Heart operations (heart)

791 Valves of heart and adjacent structures operations (valve)

792 Coronary artery operation (artery, coronary)

7A Artery and vein operations (artery, vein)

8I24 Aspirin prophylaxis contraindicated (aspirin)

8125 Warfarin contraindicated (warfarin)

8I28 ACE inhibitors contra indicated (ace, inhibitor)

8I2F Influenza vaccination contraindicated (influenza)

8I2H A II receptor antagonists contraindicated (angiotensi)

8B3T Over the counter aspirin therapy (aspirin)

8BI6 Medication stopped - interaction (drug, interactio, medication)

8B63 Salicylate prophylaxis in the last year (salicylate)

8B6P Clopidogrel prophylaxis

8CAL Smoking cessation advice (smoking)

8C21 Promote healing-positive press

8H44 Cardiological referral (cardiologi)

8HQ7 Referral for echocardiography

8I36 Beta blocker therapy refused (beta)

8I62 Beta blocker not indicated (beta, blocker)

9N03 Seen in hypertension clinic (hypertensi, seen)

9N1P Seen in cardiac clinic (cardiac, clinic, seen)

TJ42 Adverse reaction to anticoagulants

TJ421 Adverse reaction to warfarin sodium

TJ422 Adverse reaction to nicoumalone

TJ423 Adverse reaction to phenindione

TJ42z Adverse reaction to anticoagulants NOS

TJ53 Adverse reaction to salicylates (salicylate)

TJC7 Adverse reaction to other antihypertensives

ZV148 Personal history of aspirin allergy (aspirin)

ZV45 [V] Other postsurgical states

Cardiovascular Diagnoses Read terms

C320 Pure hypercholesterolaemia (hyperchole)

C320.11 Familial hypercholesterolaemia

C324 Hyperlipidaemia NOS (hyperlipid)

G0 Acute rheumatic fever (acute, fever, rf, rheumatic, rhf)

G1 Chronic rheumatic heart disease (chronic, heart, rheumatic)

G2 Hypertensive Disease (hypert, hypertensi)

G20 Essential Hypertension (essential, hypertensi)

G3 Ischaemic Heart Disease (heart, ischaemic)

G30 Acute myocardial infarction (MI, myocardial, infarction, coronary)

G30..11 Heart attack (attack)

G31 Other acute and subacute ischaemic heart disease

G311% Unstable angina (unstable, angina)

G33 Angina Pectoris (angina, pectoris)

G401 Pulmonary embolism (embolism, pulmonary, PE)

G41 Chronic pulmonary heart disease

G5 Other forms of heart disease

G55 Cardiomyopathy (cardiomyop)

G551 Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM, hypertroph)

G57 Cardiac dysrhythmias (cardiac, dysrhythmi)

G570 Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (paroxysmal, supraventr, tachycardi)

G5730 Atrial Fibrillation (AF, fibrillati)

G5731 Atrial flutter (AF, flutter)

G5y3411 Left ventricular hypertrophy (left, LVH)

G58 Heart Failure (failure, heart)

G580 Congestive heart failure (CHF, congestive, failure, heart)

G581 Left ventricular failure (failure, left, lvf, ventricula)

G581. 13 Impaired left ventricular function

G6 Cerebrovascular disease (cerebrovas)

G60 Subarachnoid haemorrhage (haemorrhag, sah, subarachno)

G61 Stroke due to intracerebral haemorrhage (haemorrhag, intracereb)

G64 Cerebral arterial occlusion (arterial, cerebral, occlusion)

G640 Cerebral thrombosis (thrombosis)

G641 Cerebral embolism (embolism)

G65 Transient Cerebral Ischaemia (TIA, cerebral, ischaemia, transient)

G65..12 Transient ischaemic attack (TIA)

G66 Stroke / CVA (CVA)

G700 Aortic atherosclerosis (aortic)

G71 Aortic Aneurysm (aneurysm, aortic)

G72 Other aneurysm (aneurysm)

G730 Raynaud's syndrome (raynaud)

G731 Thromboangiitis obliterans (thrombo, obliterans)

G73z Peripheral vascular disease NOS (pvd)

G73z0 Intermittent claudication (claudicati, ic, intermitte)

G80 Phlebitis / Thrombophlebitis (phlebitis, thrombophl)

G800 Superficial vessel phlebitis and/or thrombophlebitis (leg, superficia)

G801.11 Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT, thrombosis)

G81 Portal vein thrombosis (portal, thrombosis, vein)

G82 Other venous embolism and thrombosis

G83 Varicose Veins of Leg (VV, varicose, vein)

L12 Hypertension complicating pregnancy/childbirth (BP,high, hypertensi, obstetric)

L413 Antenatal deep vein thrombosis (antenatal, deep,thrombosis, vein)

L414 Postnatal deep vein thrombosis (deep, postnatal,thrombosis, vein)

M271 Non-pressure ulcer lower limb

P5..12 Congenital heart disease, septal and bulbar anomalies (CHD)

R023 [D] Oedema (oedema)

R065 [D] Chest pain (chest, pain)

R1103 [D] Microalbuminuria (microalbum)

R1320 [D] Echocardiogram abnormal

R1322 [D] Ultrasound cardiogram abnormal