Guidelines/Reports Design - Style
When you have a report template displayed in design mode, Style allows you to transfer specific line properties from the current line on to one or more other lines (see also Guidelines/Reports Design - Defaults- for an alternative method). It also allows you to perform a block update on lines of the same category (category here refers to the sort of line, for example, sub-heading, patient data).
- Highlight a line and click Style
to display the Apply Style screen.
- Each check box relates to a specific line property that will be copied into an internal store when OK is clicked. The Style icon remains depressed until you either release it by clicking on it again; or double click on a new line.
- When you double click on a new line, all the properties selected from the source line will be transferred to the destination line; the Style icon is released, and a double click on the line brings up the Apply Style screen.
- See Properties for Level, Indent, Wordwrap, Selectable, Initially Expanded.
- See also Guidelines/Reports Design - Font and background colour.
The spacing above and below a line is determined by the font used.
- You also have the choice:
- Apply manually to multiple lines - If this box is checked on the Apply Style screen, then on transferring the properties to a new line via double click, the Style icon will remain depressed and the properties are available for transferring to another line via subsequent double clicks. This option remains in place until the Style icon is released by clicking on it again.
- Apply to all lines of this category - If this is checked, then on pressing OK, all lines of that same category will be updated automatically with the selected properties. In this case, the Style icon will not be held down. If you want the properties to be specific to the level of the item, check the Only apply to lines at this level box. In the former case, when updating from patient data line at level two, all patient data lines will be updated. In the latter case, only those patient data lines at level two will be updated.
Note - If you change the category Guidelines/Reports Design - Defaults and choose not to check this box, then other lines in the report from may display differently during this design session that when you next enter Patient Reports. This option changes all the properties on the lines of this category, including level and indent which may not give the desired result.