FAQ's EPS - Electronic Repeat Dispensing
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No, as long as the patient wishes to use the EPS and the process has been explained.

No. Patients who are currently on a paper-based repeat dispensing regime can not be automatically transferred to electronic repeat dispensing, either when the system goes live, or when future repeats are required. Prescribers are encouraged to transfer suitable patients onto electronic repeat dispensing. In most cases the clinical system reminds them to do so.

The prescription token also acts as an 'aide memoire' for the patient if they have forgotten which pharmacy they have nominated. It also makes it easier for a patient to change their nomination part way through a repeat dispensing regime.
If the patient finds they do not have a supply of medication, for example, if they are on holiday in England and forgot to take their medication with them, they can take their prescription token to any EPS enabled pharmacy to obtain their next repeat.

Yes, however, currently dispensing appliance contractors are not permitted to dispense repeat dispensing prescriptions.

Yes. Patients participating in electronic repeat dispensing and who have a nomination in place can change their nominated dispensary at any time.

As now, arrangements for ordering repeat prescriptions are agreed locally. For example, some practices currently accept repeat prescription requests by phone, email, fax, or through online ordering systems. Others require patients to submit a paper request.
It is up to GP practices to decide how they wish to handle requests for repeat prescriptions; it may be worth considering updating local processes.

As with paper based repeat dispensing, an electronic repeatable prescription has to be dispensed for the first time within six months of the date it was generated and is valid for 12 months from when it was written.

All EPS items with the same repeat/interval combination generate together on a prescription. Items with different repeat/intervals group in separate prescriptions, generating tokens with different bar codes.
You can choose to print PRN 'as required' items with the same repeat and interval separately from other PRN items. See Settings - Prescription Tab in the Management Tools Help Centre for details.