Creating GP Connect Presets

GP Connect Presets enable you to create groups of third parties for the sharing of appointments via GP Connect.

To create GP Connect Presets:

  1. From the Appointments Setup menu, select Presets.
  2. Select Add preset.
  3. The Create GP Connect Preset screen displays:

  1. Complete as follows:
    • Name - Enter a name for the group
    • GP Connect - Ticked by default, only remove this tick to inactivate the group
    • Organisation types
      • Urgent Care - Tick if this is an Urgent Care group, for example, NHS111
      • GP Practice - Tick if this is a GP Practice group, for example, members of your Federation.
    • ODS Code(s) - Tick to include all your organisations to this Preset or tick the individual organisations required.
  2. Select Apply.
See GP Connect Appointments for further details.
Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.