Slot Type Restrictions

You can add and maintain a list of Slot Type Restrictions to prevent bookings being made for patients in specific slots. Restrictions can be defined by age and sex, for example, you could map a female only Slot Type Restriction to slots in a maternity session, to prevent bookings being made for male patients accidentally in those slots.

Slot Type Restrictions - Age

To add a Slot Type Restriction defined by age:

  1. From the Appointments Setup menu, select Restrictions .
  2. The existing restrictions display, select Add restriction .
  3. The Create Slot Type Restriction screen displays. Complete the details of the restriction as required:
    • Description - Enter the description of the restriction.

      Note - Duplicate Restriction descriptions are not allowed, and cannot be added. The following error message displays:

    • Type - Select Age.

    • Minimum age - Tick if you want to apply a minimum age restriction.

      1. Enter a numeric value.

        Note - '0' is not permitted, the value must be between 1 - 999.
      2. Select from either Years or Months.

    • Maximum age - Tick if you want to apply a maximum age restriction.

      1. Enter a numeric value.

        Note - '0' is not permitted, the value must be between 1 - 999.
      2. Select from either Years or Months.

    Note - You must apply at least one restriction.
  4. Select Apply to add the restriction.

Slot Type Restrictions - Sex

To add a Slot Type Restriction defined by sex:

  1. From the Appointments Setup menu, select Restrictions .
  2. The existing restrictions display, select Add restriction .
  3. The Create Slot Type Restriction screen displays. Complete the details of the restriction as required:
    • Description - Enter the description of the restriction.

      Note - Duplicate Restriction descriptions are not allowed, and cannot be added. The following error message displays:

    • Type - Select Sex.

    • Allowed sex - Select the sex that you want to allow bookings to be made for, preventing bookings from being made for the opposite sex.

  1. Select Apply to add the restriction.

Editing Slot Type Restrictions

You can update the details of a Slot Type Restriction if required:

Note - The Appointments application needs to be restarted for any amendments to restrictions to apply.
  1. From the Appointments Setup menu, select Restrictions .
  2. The existing restrictions display. Select the restriction you want to update.
  3. If it is only the name that needs editing, select the restriction name enter the correct one:

    Or, select Edit .

  4. The Edit Slot Type Restriction screen displays:

  5. Update the details as required.
  6. Select Apply to apply the changes to the restriction, and display the Restrictions screen.
  7. Select Save to save your changes or Reset to cancel any changes:

Deleting Slot Type Restrictions

You can delete Slot Type Restrictions that are no longer required.

Note - The Appointments application needs to be restarted for any amendments to restrictions to apply.

To delete a Slot Type Restriction:

  1. From the Appointments Setup menu, select Restrictions .
  2. The Slot Type Restrictions screen displays:

  1. Select the restriction required, and then select Delete to remove it.

See Slot Type Restrictions - Mapping for details on mapping Slot Type Restrictions.
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