Slot Utilisation
The Slot Utilisation report shows at a glance, the appointment usage by book owner, by week.
- Open the Extension Plan view.
See - Extension Plan Overview. - Select the Get counts
button at the top right section of the screen.
The counts populate. - The view updates showing:
- Free slots
- Booked
- Utilised %
- Red - over 80% of slots booked
- Amber - 61% to 80% slots booked
- Orange - 41% to 60% slots booked
- Yellow - 26% to 40% slots booked
- Green - up to 25% or slots booked
- To clear the counts, select the reset button at the bottom right of the screen.
Alternatively navigate away from the view.
The utilisation is colour coded depending on the percentage.
Note - All other reports are run via Vision 3.
See - Extension Plan Overview.