Making an Internet call from your Workstation


Making an Internet Call From your Workstation (0.42)


From Vision Anywhere you can make an internet call directly from a patient's record.

To make a call:

  1. From Vision Anywhere, select the patient you require, see Finding a Patient for more details.
  2. The Patient Summary screen displays, scroll down to Demographics:

  1. From Contact Info, select the contact number you require.
  2. The How do you want to open this? screen displays, select the method of communication, for example Skype.
    Note - Remove the tick in Always use this app.

  1. Select OK.
  2. The app selected displays, select the dial option, for example, if you are using Skype the green button .
Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.