Stopping or Restarting Repeat Medication

You may need to stop issues of a repeat master if, for example, the medication has changed. To stop issues being made against a repeat master:

Important - Please be aware, Vision Anywhere only displays Medication from the last two years excluding those with no date assigned to them.
  1. From the Patient Summary screen select the Medication heading.
  2. Select a drug to display it's history:

  3. Select Stop Medication and the Stop this Medication screen displays:

  4. Complete as required:

    • Reason for stopping - Select from the available list.

    • Notes - Enter any comments to support this action.

  5. Select Stop Now and the medication inactivates.

Restarting Medication

Should you need to restart issuing against a stopped repeat master:

  1. From the Patient Summary screen select the Medication heading.
  2. Select Inactive Repeats.
  3. Select the drug you wish to restart and the history displays.
  4. Select Restart and the Restart Repeat screen displays:

  5. Complete as required:
    • Reason for restarting - Select from the available list.
    • Notes - Enter any comments to support this action.
  6. Select Save.

The Repeat Medication History updates and the drug is now available for reauthorisation/issue.

See Medications for details.

Stopping and Restarting Repeats (1.19)

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