Issuing Repeat Medication

The Medication screen allows you to issue and reauthorise repeat medication:

Important - Please be aware, Vision Anywhere only displays Medication from the last 2 year excluding those with no date assigned to them.
  1. From the Patient Summary screen select the Medication header.
  2. Select Issue Scripts, all the active repeats are automatically selected.

  3. Select Exclude to remove any item not required.
  4. Select Issue . As the prescriptions process, a message displays at the top of the screen.

  5. Optionally, to print the issues, select Repeats, to return to the main Medications view and then select Printing on the far right:
Note - Any prescriptions not printed, display in Vision 3 as unprinted medication.


Issuing Repeat Medication (0.37)

Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.