Adding Medication Reviews

Medication Reviews can be added from:

  • New, or

  • Existing Medication Reviews.

To add a new Medication Review:

  1. From Vision Anywhere, with the correct patient selected, either:

    • From the Patient Banner, select Options - Create medication review.

      Note - Vision Anywhere automatically creates a Medication management event encounter.
    • Select the appropriate Encounter type and enter 'med rev' into the dynamic search bar. Select Medication review Open quick entry form:

    • From an existing entry, select Medication Review:

    Note - Medication Reviews are only available for patients registered at Cegedim Primary Care Solution practices, to record a Medication Review for a patient registered at an EMIS or TPP practice, use the Clinical Term.
  2. The Medication Review screen displays:

    Complete as required:

    • Due date - Defaults to your Vision 3 setting, select the date you want the patient to be reviewed.

      Training Tip - If you are recording a review done today, change this to today's date and don't forget to select Mark as complete.
    • Clinical term for review - Defaults to the selected clinical term, update if required.

    • Notes - Enter any comments required.

    • Date - Defaults to today's date, update as appropriate.

    • Clinician - If you are a clinician, this defaults to you, if not this defaults to the patient's usual GP, update as appropriate.

      Note - In a Shared Care Setting it displays as the current user, but it is not used when writing back.
    • Mark as complete - Select to record this medication review as complete.

    • Create follow on medication review - Defaults to selected if you select Mark as complete, a new Medication Review screen displays with a due date of one year, this can be updated as required. If you do not require a follow on review, remove the tick.

  3. Select Save .

If a medication review of the type you are creating already exists, an alert display just under the patient banner:

Select View to update the existing Medication Review and avoid duplication.

    Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.