Licence Manager
Licence Manager is a web-based tool which allows practice administrators to manage the licence allocation for Vision Anywhere.
From Licence Manager you can:
- View licensed devices
- Revoke licences
- View licence requests
- Block devices from registering
- View blocked devices
- Unblock blocked devices
Registering a Device
Providing your practice has licences available, the first time a device logs onto Vision Anywhere it automatically registers with Licence Manager.
If licences are not available a message displays. The practice can either arrange additional licences, or revoke an existing licence using Licence Manager.
Once a device has been registered, the licence remains associated with that device until it is revoked.
On each login Vision Anywhere checks that there is a valid registration for the device you using.
Note - Inactivating a user in Vision 3 or Vision 360 Organisational Services, prevents user access to Vision Anywhere.
See Using Licence Manager for details.
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