Additional Information
For details about setting up staff, logging in and navigating Vision Anywhere see:
Vision Anywhere for Windows Desktop Help Centre - The full help centre for the latest released version of Vision Anywhere for Windows Desktop can be accessed from the following link
Vision Anywhere Mobile - You can also access Vision Anywhere on a mobile device, there are help centres for the following platforms detailing how to use the software and including short video overviews:
Mobile apps are reliant on 3G/4G (or wifi) to offer real time access to patient records. This provides resilience in the situation of a power cut to the surgery.
When you sign into Vision Anywhere on a mobile device and select an appointment book, the appointments 7 days either side of today automatically download to the device. You can also manually download records to a device, very useful for home visits where the network coverage is not reliable:
Selecting and Downloading Patients iOS - Help/2 - Selecting and Downloading Patients.htm.
Selecting and Downloading Patients Android - - Select and Download Patients.htm