The Appointments List
The Vision Anywhere Home screen automatically displays your next booked appointment and a list of appointments in today's current/next session. Whenever you have an active internet connection, patient records for all of today's appointments automatically download to your device for offline use.
Next Appointment
Your next appointment displays with the booked time and a countdown, along with patient demographic information. The Map plots the patient's address in Google Maps.
Select the tile to open the patient record.
The Appointments list on the Vision Anywhere front screen initially displays your current/next appointment session.
The Appointment Time, Patient name and Title display, the symbols to the right of the name indicate:
Patient record downloaded - Select to access demographic details, DNA information and patient notes, for example, needs wheelchair access
Appointment comments - For example, reason for appointment
Patient record not yet downloaded
No NHS / CHI number - If a patient does not have a valid NHS/CHI number their record cannot be downloaded, therefore no symbol displays
Special Booking - Appointment booking for a non-registered patient. If you are in a shared care setting, patients from a practice without a sharing agreement are added as special bookings
The buttons to the left of the appointments slots show:
Booked appointments slots
Patient seen
Patient waiting
In consultation
Overdue Appointments - Indicates the number of minutes the appointment is running late
Specific appointments slots - Defined by your practice, for example, emergency appointments, select the slot to see description.
Available appointment slot
Select the Appointments heading to access the last 7 days and next 7 days of your appointments book.
Selecting and Viewing Patient Information (2.10)