Patient Summary Screen

When you have selected a patient, their record opens on the Patient Summary screen. Swipe up to see all of the record.

The patient summary screen includes the following:

  • Search the Patient's record
  • Patient Banner
    Date of birth, Gender, NHS Number and Allergy flag
  • Open new Encounter
  • Care Reminders
    Summary of outstanding QoF items for the patient
  • Last Encounter details

Overview of the Patient Summary Screen

Swiping the screen displays the remainder of the Patient Summary which includes:

Medical History

  • Significant Diagnoses - Priority 1 and 2 medical history entries.
  • Significant Operations - Priority 1 medical history entries in Read chapter 7.

To see all medical history entries, select Medical History in the Tab bar at the bottom of the screen:


  • Active Repeats - All active repeat medication.
  • Acutes - Last 2 years of acute medication.

To see all medication entries, select Medication in the Tab bar at the bottom of the screen:

Important - Please be aware, Vision Anywhere only displays Medication from the last 2 years.


  • If the patient has drug or non-drug allergies recorded is also displayed on the patient information bar at the top of the screen.

To access the Allergy view:

  • iPad users - Select Allergies in the Tab bar at the bottom of the screen.
  • iPhone users - Select More in the Tab bar at the bottom and then select Allergies from the Navigation menu:

Lifestyle and Examinations

  • Last recorded weight, height, alcohol status, smoking status, exercise, diet and blood pressure.

To see all lifestyle and examination entries:

  • iPad users - Select Lifestyle and Examination in the Tab bar at the bottom of the screen.
  • iPhone users - Select More in the Tab bar at the bottom and then select Lifestyle and Examination from the Navigation menu:

Test Results

  • Last 3 months test results. If no results are available in this period the message "No test results in the last 3 months" displays:

To see all test results entries, select More in the Tab bar at the bottom and then select Test results from the Navigation menu.

Important - Please be aware, Vision Anywhere only displays Test Results from the last 2 years.


  • All recorded immunisations. To see all immunisation entries, select More in the tab bar at the bottom of the screen and then select Immunisations from the Navigation menu:


  • Displays the last 3 months correspondence. To see all correspondence, select More in the Tab bar at the bottom of the screen and then select Correspondence from the Navigation menu:

Note - Correspondence entries are currently only available to practices who also use Vision Anywhere alongside Vision 3.


Displays the patient's registered and usual GP, address and telephone number:

  • Map - To view a patient's address location and directions, select Map to the left of the patient's address. To return to Vision Anywhere select Back to Vision Anywhere Mobile .
  • Phone - To telephone a patient select Phone to the left of the patient's telephone number.
  • Email - To email a patient select Mail to the left of the patient's email address:

Clinical Records Browser

  • Accessed by the Browser on the tab bar.

The Clinical Records Browser shows all entries in the patient record along with encounters and problem headings in chronological order.

See Clinical Record Browser for details.


To see all previous encounters, select Encounter in the Tab bar at the bottom of the screen.

See Encounters for details.
Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.