Home Screen

    Home screen displays the following:

    • Banner - The banner at the top of the device displays the clinician's name, practice and internet connection status:

    • Online / Offline connectivity display as:

        • - Connected
        • - Not Connected
    • Next Appointment - Shows the details of the patient booked in the next appointment. This is determined by the time on your device.
    • Appointments Today - A list of patients with booked appointments today for the logged in user. From here you can tap on a patient name to open the patient record. See - Appointments - Overview.
    • Downloaded Patients - Patients currently stored on your device. See - Downloaded Patients and Downloading Patients.
    • Encounters in Progress - Open patient encounters in Vision Anywhere. See - Leaving an Encounter Open.
    • Searching for a Patient - Find any of your registered patients. From here you can tap on a patient name to open the patient record. See - Searching for a Patient.
    • Options Menu:
      • Refresh - Refresh the Vision Anywhere data.
      • Settings - User preferences. See - User Preferences.
      • Help - Access online Help.
      • Sign out - Sign out of Vision Anywhere. See - Logging Out.