Appointments Overview
The Vision Anywhere Home screen automatically displays your next booked appointment and a link to appointments booked for today.
Patient records for all today's appointments automatically download to your device for offline use, when there is an active internet connection.
Note - The appointments are for the logged in user only and you cannot see appointments outside of your session.
From the appointments lists you can also open patient records and view future or past appointment bookings.
- From the Vision Anywhere Home screen, tap on the Appointments Today tile.
Your appointments list displays the patient name and title, with the time and duration of the appointment. - Appointment lists for 7 days either side of today are also available.
To view these:- Tap on the date to display a calendar
Choose your date and tap OK. - Or swipe left or right to navigate backwards or forwards through the days.
- Tap on the date to display a calendar
- Tap on a patient from the Appointments list.
The patient record displays.
To view and record data, see - Viewing a Patient Record and Recording a Consultation.Note - Only booked appointments display in the list and you cannot move, cancel, or mark patients as seen from the Appointments list. - To get back to your Appointments list after viewing a patient record, go to the Navigation
menu and tap Appointments.
See - Selecting and Downloading Patients and Encounters.