Lifestyle and Examination

The Patient Summary screen shows the last recorded entry for weight, height, alcohol, smoking, exercise, diet and blood pressure entries.

Swipe the screen up to view the Lifestyle and Examinations tile.

To see all lifestyle and examination entries tap the Lifestyle and Examinations heading.

Lifestyle and Examinations view covers the following categories:

    • Blood pressure
    • Height and Weight
    • Peak flow
    • Pulse
    • Pulse Oximetry
    • Respiratory Rate
    • Temperature
    • Visual Acuity
    • Alcohol
    • Smoking

You can also use the Search Bar to look for entries. See - Search a Patient Record.

Lifestyle and Examination entries may be linked to a Problem. See - Problem Linkage.

See Navigation Menu for details on accessing this view from the Navigation menu .
See Filtering the Record for details on filtering this view.