If you select to create a Recall, the following merge fields are available, as well as those listed in Practice and Patient:
- RECALL_Date.
- RECALL_Reason - The Read description entered on the Recall - Add screen.
- RECALL_Clinician - The GP creating the recall.
- RECALL_Recalling_GP_GMP_Code - The GMP code of the GP making the recall.
- RECALL_Reg_GP_GMP_Code - The GMP code of the registered GP with whom the recall patient is registered.
- REPEATS - The patient's repeat masters.
- DRUG_ALLERGY - The patient's drug allergies.
- MEDICAL_HISTORY- The patient's medical history by priority set up in Options for Repeats, Allergies, Histories and Problems Merge Fields.
- PROBLEMS - The patient's active problems.
- CURRENT_CONSULTATION - Data in the current open consultation.