Using LibreOffice in Vision 3 - Scotland only

LibreOffice is a free office suite that can be used for all your word processing tasks. Vision 3 is now ready to use LibreOffice for all your Practice, Patient, Recall and Referral template letters.

To download LibreOffice to your system, see

Important - Due to possible file conflicts, you should avoid installing both Microsoft Word and LibreOffice on the same computer.

To switch to LibreOffice:

You use LibreOffice templates in the same way as your Word templates. From anywhere in Vision 3 where you would access your templates from, for example, a screen with a Letter option, select it in the same way as before and Vision 3 simply offers your LibreOffice templates instead of the Word templates.

Note - The Patient Facing Services Registration Letter updates to LibreOffice once you select LibreOffice as your word processor of choice.
Training Tip - Any Microsoft Word templates that you want to continue to use, must be recreated in LibreOffice, there is no conversion process. Use this process to review, update or delete templates where appropriate.
Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.