How do I manage SCR error message tasks?

The following tasks are created in Tasks as result of Summary Care Record (SCR) activity in Vision 3:

  • ACS Mismatch Tasks - For patients with a consent preference of "Dissent" if the local consent record does not match the Spine an ACS mismatch is created. From the patient record, check and resolve the patients consent issues, then return to Tasks and complete the task.
  • PDS Mismatch Tasks - For patients whose local demographic details do not match the Spine, a PDS Mismatch displays each time the patient is selected until the PDS mismatch is resolved. If the patient is "Unlinked" SCR messages cannot be sent until the mismatch is resolved. From the patient record, check the PDS details and update if possible to resolve the mismatch, then return to Tasks and complete the task.
  • Queued items have been sent Task - When a user works offline, any SCR updates are queued until the user next logs in with their Smartcard. Once the queued message is successfully sent, a task is sent to the originator of the SCR message to inform them their patient's SCR update has been sent. The task may contain multiple patient details, dependent on the items queued. This type of task is for information only and can be simply completed.
    Note - Queued items that are manually sent using the Queued GP Summary utility do not generate a task.
  • Notification of Transmission errors - If a message could not be sent correctly then a task is created so that action can be taken by a system manager or other nominated person. If there are many failures, then these are grouped together in a single task. This type of task is for information only and can be simply completed.
Important - SCR tasks are sent to all Tasks users. Create an SCR group in Vision 3 - Control Panel and add relevant staff to the group to ensure these tasks are sent to the appropriate staff, see Summary Care Record - Staff Group in the Management Tools Help Centre for details.
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