Processing Tasks

Notifications are displayed on your user profile button .
A single click on the user profile button and your notifications are displayed:
Double click the notification to open the task, or select to clear the notification without opening it.

The following notifications are possible:
- New task received - Received when a new task is allocated to you.
- Task rejected - Received when a task you have sent to a recipient is refused by them. The rejection reason is displayed in the Activity section of the task.
- New comment added - Received when a recipient adds to a conversation on a task you have sent or commented on.
- New Announcements Received - You are also notified of new announcements by the announcement count turning red:

To view the contact information of a patient attached to a task, simply select the patient name and their demographics are displayed.
See Viewing Patient Contact Information for further details.

To start, or add to, a Conversation:
- Select the required task.
- Now, select the Conversation tab
- Any existing messages are now displayed.
- Type in your message, up to 1000 characters:
- Select Send.
- All recipients are notified via their user profile
that something is pending.
See Conversations for further details.

Select the Options menu to access the processing options from any specific task.
See Processing a Task for further details.

To forward a task to a new recipient, simply select Edit from the options menu, add them to the Recipient list and select Update.

Enter any of the following into Search :
- Patient name (surname first)
- Subject
- Sender
- Part of the description
As you type the smart search automatically displays matching tasks under the search.
See Searching for a Task for further details.

If you are due to be away you can set up an Out of Office facility to redirect your tasks to a staff member of your choice.
See Setting an Out of Office for further details.

The red stripe in front of a task indicates that the task is urgent:

When a task falls overdue the date is displayed in red: