Ethnicity Codes
The following Ethnicity group codes (NHS Digital 2016 grouping), are used when creating Ethnicity Reports:
Description | Read V2 | CTV3 |
White: English or Welsh or Scottish or Northern Irish or British |
9t00. , 9i00. |
XactH , XaQEa |
White: Irish |
9t01. , 9i10. |
XactI , XaQEb |
White: Gypsy or Irish Traveller |
9t02. , 9i2E. , 9i2C. , 9i2D. |
XactJ , XaJSD , XaJSB , XaJSC |
White: Any other White background |
9t03. |
XactK |
Mixed or multiple ethnic groups: White and Black Caribbean |
9t04. , 9i3.. |
XactL , XaJQy |
Mixed or multiple ethnic groups: White and Black African |
9t05. |
Xactd |
Mixed or multiple ethnic groups: White and Asian |
9t06. , 9i5.. |
Xacte , XaJR0 |
Mixed or multiple ethnic groups: Any other Mixed or multiple ethnic background |
9t07. |
Xactf |
Asian or Asian British: Indian |
9t08. , 9i7.. |
Xactg , XaJR2 |
Asian or Asian British: Pakistani |
9t09. , 9i8.. |
Xacth , XaJR3 |
Asian or Asian British: Bangladeshi |
9t0A. , 9i9.. |
Xacti , XaJR4 |
Asian or Asian British: Chinese |
9t0B. , 9i64. , 9iE.. |
Xactj , XaJRL , XaJR9 |
Asian or Asian British: Any other Asian background |
9t0C. |
Xactk |
Black or African or Caribbean or Black British: African |
9t0D. |
Xactl |
Black or African or Caribbean or Black British: Caribbean |
9t0E. |
Xactm |
Black or African or Caribbean or Black British: Any other Black or African or Caribbean background |
9t0F. |
Xactn |
Other ethnic group: Arab |
9t0G. , 9iF9. |
Xacto , XaJSS |
Other ethnic group: Any other ethnic group |
9t0H. , 9iFK. , 9iF.. |
Xactp , XaJSg , XaJRA |
Not stated |
9iG.. |
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