Video Tutorials
The following video tutorials offer a quick overview of specific tasks within Pharmacy Manager. Select to watch the videos in full screen.
Select the topic below to display available videos:

The Dispensing Workflow - Best Practice Guide (13:13)

Accuracy Check in Pharmacy Manager (2:24) |
Accuracy Checking Module - New In Progress Screen (2:55) |
Accuracy Checking Module - Creating Additional Bags (1:50) |
Accuracy Checking Module - Managing Owings (4:29) |
Accuracy Checking Module - High Risk & Controlled Drugs (2:29) |
Accuracy Checking Module - Approve Later (1:45) |

Logging into Pharmacy Manager (England) (0:31) |
Navigating the Dashboard (2:19) |
Searching for a Patient (0:49) |
Adding a New Patient (1:01) |
Adding a New Prescriber (0:36) |
Downloading Prescriptions from the NHS Spine and Printing Tokens (1:11) |
Dispensing Electronic Prescriptions (3:10) |
Confirming Collection and Claiming Prescriptions (1:34) |
Dispensing Paper Prescriptions (3:08) |
Creating and Completing an Owing (3:40) |
Processing Emergency Requests - Electronic Prescriptions (3:36) |
Processing Emergency Requests - Paper Prescriptions (4:05) |
Processing Emergency Requests - Electronic Prescriptions (3:36) |
Stock Control - Adding Items to Orders and Sending Orders (1:27) |

The New Prescriptions Screen & Clinical Check Module (3:50)

Logging into Pharmacy Manager (Scotland) (0:57)
Registering Patients for MCR (CMS) (1:40) |
Dispensing the first MCR (CMS) prescription (2:40) |
Dispensing subsequent MCR (CMS) prescriptions (2:50) |
Sending a Treatment Summary Report (1:17) |
Completing a Minor Ailment Service Consultation (2:09) |
Retrieving a Prescription (0:55) |

Logging into Pharmacy Manager (Wales) (0:57)
Electronic Prescription Service Wales - Nominations in Pharmacy Manager (5:31)
Electronic Prescription Service Wales - Pharmacy Manager Dashboard and Prescription Tracker (4:00) |
Electronic Prescription Service Wales - User Accounts and Settings (9:01) |
Electronic Prescription Service Wales - Download and Dispense (13:12) |
Electronic Prescription Service Wales - Collecting and Claiming (9:47) |

How do I Add a Patient Note or Custom Label? (3:09) |
How do I Change the Stock Control Profile for an Item? (3:07) |
How do I Create a Dispensing Policy? (3:40) |
How do I Create an Audit Grid on Dispensing Tokens - England only (3:22) |
How do I Enable the Personal List when I am Dispensing? (5:11) |
How do I Endorse a Prescription with a Status of Claim Deferred (3:03) |
How do I Set up Trusted Directions (4:47) |
How do I Merge Duplicate Patient Records (1:43) |
How do I Reset My Password (2:38) |
How do I Set the Private Prescription Fee (3:19) |
How do I Add a Batch Number and Expiry Date? (1:23) |
How do I Import MDS Patients to the New MDS Module (4:14) |
How do I Amend Dispensed Quantities for Original Pack Dispensing (2:32) |

Searching for a Patient (0:49) |
Adding a New Patient (1:01) |
Useful EPS Settings (3:42) |
Life of an Electronic Prescription (2:31) |
Navigating the eMessages screen (3:28) |
Downloading Prescriptions from the NHS Spine and Printing Tokens (1:11) |
Dispensing Electronic Prescriptions (3:10) |
Confirming Collection and Claiming Prescriptions (1:34) |
Nominating Patients (1:14) |
How do I Set up Trusted Directions (4:47) |
Fast Labelling in Pharmacy Manager (2:36) |

Dispensing Multiple Flavours for One item (2:09) |
Dispensing Special Items (2:46) |
Dispensing from History (0:58) |
Editing a Prescription (3:07) |
Amending a Claimed Prescription (1:18) |
Repeat Dispensing (2:18) |
Reconciling Emergency Supplies (2:47) |
Creating and Completing an Owing (3:40) |
Dispensing Paper Prescriptions (3:08) |
Repeating an Item from a Patient's History (0:58) |
Processing Emergency Requests - Paper Prescriptions (4:05) |
Instalment Dispensing (4:27) |
Managing Dispensed Instalments (2:03) |
Dispensing a Private Prescription (1:00) |
Vet Prescriptions (1:42) |
Running the Private Prescription Register (0:50) |
Logging in as the Responsible Pharmacist (0:40) |

Selecting a Stock Control Method (2:36) |
Setting up a Wholesaler (1:44) |
Setting up Order Rules (4:20) |
Setting up Product Rules (1:53) |
Setting up Auto Ordering (1:28) |
Managing your Orders (2:43) |

Welcome to the new Monitored Dosage System (MDS) (6:39)

Overview of MDS (4:27)
Creating a Care Home (2:34) |
Adding a Patient to a Care Home (0:59) |
Removing a Patient from a Care Home (0:31) |
Adding a Community Patient (1:58) |
Removing a Community Patient (0:29) |
Dispensing Electronic Prescriptions for MDS Patients (4:51) |
Printing MAR Charts and Cassette Sheets (1:10) |
Claiming an MDS Prescription (1:25) |
Repeating an MDS Prescription from History (2:33) |
Editing a Dispensed MDS Item (1:03) |
Deleting a Dispensed MDS Item (1:25) |
Dispensing a Mid Cycle Item (2:42) |
Dispensing Paper Prescriptions for MDS Patients (4:02) |
Setting up Dosage Codes and Administration Times (4:29) |

Activating Repeat Rx (2:45) |
Registering a Patient for Repeat Rx (2:17) |
Dispensing a Repeat Rx item (Electronically) (3:38) |
Dispensing a Repeat Rx item (Paper) (3:07) |

Registering a Patient for Message Dynamics (1:51) |
Viewing and Actioning Patient Replies to Messages (1:41) |

Integrating PDM with PM (1:13) |
Managing your Deliveries (2:46) |

Integrating your Robot Collection Service with Pharmacy Manager (2:24)

Dispensing Dental Prescriptions (00:56)