Repeat Request Export
To run a Repeat Request Export:
From the
select Reports.
Select Show data exports
From the list of reports, select Repeat Request Export and then select Run
The Run Report "Repeat Request Export" screen displays:
Double click on the filter options as required to narrow down your search, or leave blank if the filter is not required.
Select the filter below to display details:
Patient filter
Enter the patient's name and select Find
Note - You can only select one patient at a time. -
The Find Patient screen displays, search for and select the required patient.
Select OK
Select OK
Date range filter
Set the date range required.
Training Tip - Enter a Full Stop . and then press Enter on your keyboard to enter today's date.Note - If you do not select a date range Pharmacy Manager displays all records. -
Select OK
See Quick Entry Date Codes for more details on adding dates in Pharmacy Manager.Surgery filter
Enter the institution's name and select Find
Note - You can only select one institution at a time. -
The Find Institution screen displays, search for and select the required institution.
Select OK
Select OK
Select the type of repeat request
Select the contact method, either Email or Print.
Select OK
Select output file
Select either:
Save to report directory - To save the report to your system. The saved to location displays in the Value column.
Choose directory... - To save to your pc.
Send to Network Manager - Enter your Network Manager Account details.
Select OK
Select OK
The Repeat Request Export is saved to your selected directory, containing all repeat requests that have been emailed or printed by the pharmacy. The report contains:
Surgery Name and Address
Patient Number, Name, DOB and Postcode
Medication Description
Date of Request
Time of Request
Request Type
Delivery Patient
App User