Patient Details - Suppressions
The Patient Details - Suppressions tab screen displays any interactions that have been suppressed for this patient. You would suppress an interaction if a patient regularly takes two medications that interact, but are stabilised, making the alert unnecessary:
To access the Patient Details - Suppressions tab, either:
From the Find Patient screen, find the patient and then select Details
or press Alt + D on your keyboard.
From the Dispensary screen, select either:
- Information
next to the patient's name:
F3 on your keyboard, this opens the Patient Details screen on the Other tab.
Or, F6 on your keyboard, this opens the Patient Details screen on the Medication tab.
- Information
Navigate to the Suppressions tab.
From the Suppressions tab you can view suppressed reactions for the patient:
Select from the following:
Details - Select Details
to view the explanation of the suppressed reaction. The Explanation screen displays:
Select OK
to close.
Delete - Select Delete
to delete the suppression. The Remove Suppression screen displays:
Select Yes
to remove the suppression, future reactions display on the Dispensary screen.
From the bottom of the Patient Details - Suppressions screen you can select:
Delete - A warning displays, you can only delete the patient from the Patient tab.
OK - To save the changes and close the Patient Details screen.
Cancel - To close the Patient Details screen without saving any changes.
Apply - To save any changes made but leave the form on your screen. You can then select Close to close the Patient Details screen when you are ready.