Editing a Medication Schedule

To edit a medication schedule:

  1. From the Active Medication tab select Options - Edit Information on the medication required:

  2. Select EDIT SCHEDULE on the schedule required:

  3. The Edit Schedule screen displays:

    Edit the schedule as required:

    • Schedule Type - Select how often the patient should take the medicine, either:

      • Everyday

      • Alternate Days - Select either to start on the 1st or the 2nd day of the calendar month:

      • Weekly - Select the day of the week from the available list:

      • When Required - When required dosages do not display a dose on the Medication Administration Record (MAR) chart:

    • How many should they take? - Enter how many the patient should take in the time of day required, for example, one in the morning.

    • How long should they take it for? - This automatically populates based on the selections above, update as required.

      Training Tip - For example, the patient takes two in the morning for seven days and then one in the morning for the following 21 days. You could set the duration to seven days and then set up another schedule for the following 21 days.
      Training Tip - If you are entering the duration for a second schedule the number automatically defaults to the days remaining in the cycle based on the first schedule.
  4. Select SAVE .

If there is a mismatch with quantity dispensed and administration times a warning displays, either:

  • 'The quantity dispensed exceeds the administration times', or

  • 'The administration times exceed the quantity dispensed':

Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.