Adobe Reader - PDF viewer

What is Adobe Reader? Or a PDF viewer?

A utility that enables you to view Portable Document Format files (or PDFs). PDF is a file format created by Adobe Systems.

The format is highly portable across computer platforms as it allows you to share these files with other computer users who don't have the same software. These files are also protected from unauthorised editing. Primarily though, it avoids compatibility issues between sender and receiver, allowing the recipient to view the output in the format, layout and style  published.

A PDF viewer is all that is required to look at these files.

Adobe Reader is the recognised industry standard PDF viewer and can be distributed and used on a royalty free basis.

For more details see

Why is it necessary for Pharmacy Manager?

The eCMS treatment summary reports are produced in PDF format.

You will need Adobe Reader to be able to look at the reports once they have been produced.

As the reports are saved in PDF format, you can transmit them to the patient's GP via the ePMS where they can be viewed "as is" so long as the GP has their own installed PDF viewer, regardless of what other software is installed on the computer.

Do I need to install this copy?

You may well have a Adobe Reader installed already. In that event, you do not need to install this copy. Pharmacy Manager is compatible with Adobe Reader versions 5 and after.

We have provided Adobe Reader version 7.0 as it is the version specified for the eCMS project. If you install and then register this version with Adobe, you will probably receive prompts to update to their current royalty free version. Feel free to update to the latest version if you wish.

What about other PDF viewers?

Whilst other companies make PDF viewers available on a similar royalty free basis, special features of Adobe Reader are used to display treatment summary reports. Unfortunately, other PDF viewers will not be compatible with Pharmacy Manager.

How do I install this copy?

  • Insert the Pharmacy Manager installation CD.

  • After a few seconds the initial menu should appear automatically.

  • Click the Adobe Reader icon.

  • Follow the simple installation wizard.

  • Do not forget to remove the CD once the installation has been completed.

In the event that the installation process discovers a more recent version already installed, an alert appears.

  • Click OK to abort the installation process.

  • You will be able to view the treatment summary reports satisfactorily with your later version.

Updated 9th June 2014